Posts by Island Man

  • Island Man

    The folly of Watchtower's theodicy. Or, why would an all-powerful and all-wise God need to justify his sovereignty through suffering?

    by Island Man in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    watchtower says that evil and suffering exist at present to vindicate jehovah as being the only one qualified to govern; to bear witness to man's inability to govern himself independent of god and under satan's direction.

    the claim is made that the questions raised by satan regarding god's motives as universal sovereign can only be answered by allowing humans to see the evil and suffering that results when man lives independent of god's protection and direction.. watchtower and jws seem to think that this is the best theodicy in the world.

    but there are some serious flaws in it.. 1. such a theodicy suggests that all perfect and intelligent creation, up until the advent of adam and eve, did not know god and his ways well enough to be confident that his motives as universal sovereign are pure.

    1. stuckinarut2
    2. Vidiot
    3. sir82
  • Island Man
    Island Man
    It always got me that after all this suffering and woe... After mankind Finally understands and can see how much we need god to rule over everything for us... Once the point is made for all time, never to be questioned by mankind again...
    "The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind."
    It will all be for nothing - because nobody remembers the lesson learned. Well played Yahweh, well played.

    That's another very good point I forgot to mention.